External Audit Coordination

Notices of external audits received by UCI personnel should be referred to Internal Audit Services, which is responsible for the coordination of external audit activities. IAS will coordinate with department personnel to ensure the external auditors receive all required assistance and information.

Per UCI Policy: 710-11 External Audit Policy, the director of Internal Audit is responsible for the UCI internal audit function and reports to the chief financial officer and vice chancellor, Division of Finance & Administration and to the senior vice president and chief compliance and audit officer. The director of Internal Audit is responsible for coordinating the external audits and reporting the status of the external audits to the CFO and vice chancellor.

External audit coordination involves assisting the campus to fulfill audit requirements that arise from its role as a recipient of public and other extramural funds, as well as obligations from business contracts, and to cooperate fully with external auditors.

If contacted by external agencies, please contact:

Will Simonian
Mike Bathke